What I consider to be my greatest feat to date, is almost beating my flatmate in a wrestling match on Halloween of 2020. We hold an annual match, known to our peers as Fight Night Fright Night. The loser must get a tattoo of their opponents’ scary persona. My monkey tattoo is pending. Unfortunately, now that it is looking likely others will safely be able to join us for Halloween 2021, (providing Coronavirus restrictions allow) I will not be able to publicly update on my winning status, as this will be an official fight club, and therefore unmentionable.
Achievement wise, like many other my age it is my degree I turn to first. I tend not to enjoy discussing my costume design degree, as it merely serves as a reminder to all who meet me that I’ve been to art school. Quite honestly, I feel that my eyebrow piercing does this for me. Here I choose to exhibit my education by the simple maxim – show don’t tell.
Academically, reaching a high standard has always been important to me, currently, I am reengaging with skills that warranted merit before I started university, such as creative writing and illustration, which is coming in handy at Niccolo Marketing! and I’ve created many historical and contemporary costumes that I am truly proud of. This means I have also been a part of theatrical and filming productions that I think could be enjoyed by anyone, therefore I am proud of them too. Despite this, my pride in myself lies purely in managing to stay employed during the pandemic. I’ve learnt a lot in the past year and learning how to shake my bells as a Christmas elf was the purest joy I’ve ever experienced.